Rashami Desai got evicted on Saturday’s episode. Former winners such as Gautam Gulati, Rubina Dilaik, Shweta Tiwari, Urvashi Dholakia and Gauahar Khan performed in the finale of the show, hosted by Salman Khan. They, along with Shamita Shetty, and Nishant Bhat made the top 5 contestants of the show. He also welcomed Shehnaaz Gill on the stage who gave a moving tribute to late Sidharth Shukla. Bigg Boss 15 Grand Finale Live Updates: Tejasswi Prakash emerged as Bigg Boss 15 winner with Pratik Sehajpal and Karan Kundrra as the first and second runners-up, respectively, of the Salman Khan-hosted show. Home Entertainment Television Bigg Boss 15 finale LIVE updates: Tejasswi Prakash is the winner, defeats Pratik Sehajpal Bigg Boss 15 finale LIVE updates: Tejasswi Prakash is the winner, defeats Pratik Sehajpal Bigg Boss 15 Grand Finale Live Updates: Tejasswi Prakash emerged as Bigg Boss 15 winner with Pratik Sehajpal and Karan Kundrra as the first and second runners-up, respectively, of the S...