BCCI took to Twitter to share pictures of Team India head coach Rahul Dravid bowling during a training session. "Celebrating the 23rd anniversary of Anil Kumble's 10-74," the BCCI wrote. Kumble became the second bowler in Test cricket history to take ten wickets in an innings by registering figures of 26.3-9-74-10 against Pakistan on February 7, 1999 in Delhi.
BCCI took to Twitter to share pictures of Team India head coach Rahul Dravid bowling during a training session. "Celebrating the 23rd anniversary of Anil Kumble's 10-74," the BCCI wrote. Kumble became the second bowler in Test cricket history to take ten wickets in an innings by registering figures of 26.3-9-74-10 against Pakistan on February 7, 1999 in Delhi.
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